More people need to get tested for cervical cancer


Of: TT


Just over 43 percent of the women in Stockholm who were called in 2018 for cervical cancer screening had still not answered the call a year later.  Gender image.

Photo: Isabell Höjman / TT

Just over 43 percent of the women in Stockholm who were called in 2018 for cervical cancer screening had still not answered the call a year later. Gender image.

In 2018, 100,000 women from the Stockholm region were recruited for cervical cancer screening. After a year, nearly 45,000 had still not come to collect samples, according to a review by the Cancer Foundation.

“This is about saving lives. The region must redouble its efforts to get women to attend their screenings,” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström, general secretary of the Cancer Foundation, in a press release.

Cervical cancer is the third most common form of cancer in women under the age of 50 and is almost always caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Every year 150 women in Sweden die from the disease and early diagnosis is crucial to saving lives.

But it is a form of cancer that can be eradicated, since there is an effective vaccine. However, this requires that as many people as possible attend gynecological cell sampling, even those who have already been vaccinated.

“Much has been done, but more measures are needed to increase participation and each region must prioritize specific initiatives based on local needs,” says Ulrika Årehed Kågström.

