At the Skåne County Board of Directors, the number of applications for Swedish citizenship has more than doubled in recent months, compared to the corresponding period the previous year. Now there are more than 400 applications.
Dual citizenship can for example, facilitate travel.
– If you have both Swedish and Danish citizenship, it may be a bit easier to move from one country to another and you don’t need as many documents to prove that you belong to one or the other country, says David Olsson at the County Administrative Board from Skåne to Ekot.
Those who are citizens of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway or Iceland) and who, for example, have lived in Sweden for the last five years, can apply for Swedish citizenship before the administrative boards of the county.
The echo has been contacted the county administrative boards that handle the cases and most of them see a sharp increase in the number of applications last year, compared to 2019.
At the Stockholm County Administrative Board, the increase is 30 percent and in Dalarna, it was an increase of about 60 percent last year.
Helle Bryn-Jensen, a lawyer for the Dalarna County Administrative Board, believes the new Norwegian rules contribute to that increase.
– That Norway since January 1, 2020 allows dual citizenship. Because the big increase is from Värmland county and where we know there are a lot of Norwegians, he tells Ekot.
The Norrbotten County Administrative Board states for Ekot that there has been a sharp increase there in recent weeks and that increase is believed to be related to tighter cap restrictions.
Helle Bryn-Jensen also believes its rise is due in part to the pandemic.
– Of course I think it contributes. For some people who work on one side of the border and live on the other side of the border, it may be easier. But in the name of honesty, I don’t think that was the big reason, he says.