More infected per inhabitant in Denmark than in Sweden


The infection has increased in Denmark in recent days. On Thursday, 173 new cases of covid-19 were found, but no new deaths.

The increase means that, for the first time since last spring, Denmark has more infections per 100,000 inhabitants, with 12.2 infected compared to 11.1 in Sweden.

However, statistics also show that Denmark has tested significantly more people than Sweden.

– It is difficult to compare so directly between countries and therefore we often avoid doing so. Because it presupposes that the test is performed in exactly the same way, Søren Riis Paludan, professor of virology and immunology at Aarhus University, tells RD.

Society has opened

He continues:

– In general, there have also been few infected in Denmark compared to Sweden, so there are more who are not immune. And so we play a little bit now with the balance in Denmark, about how much we can be open and how we can function normally as a society.

When it comes to the number of deaths in covid-19, so far Sweden has reported 5,832, while Denmark has 626 deaths.

READ MORE: Danish experts: schools open now
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