More fried cod than ever in the Sound


Since last fall, the Öresund Aquarium, linked to the University of Copenhagen, has inventoried the eel meadows around the Öresund coast. This year more cod fry have been found than ever. In some waterways hundreds, where previously only a few had been seen.

In fact, there were so many that for a time they worried that all was not well with the marine environment.

– But after looking at the condition of the cod fry, stomach contents and general condition, it further indicates that they were just washed up on eel meadows where there are good hiding places and feeding opportunities, says Jens Peder Jeppesen.

The researchers don’t believe this is just a local phenomenon.

Talking to colleagues and fishermen on the Danish and Swedish sides of the strait has given us the same good indications that 2020 must have been a brilliant spawning season for cod, says Jens Peder Jeppesen.

Hopeful Öresund Aquarium

He believes that if only a small portion of this year’s cod survives, it will show in four to five years that a growing population of adult cod will benefit future generations of cod.

The success of the fish is partly due to the fact that more and more efforts are being made to protect the Öresund ecosystem, where cod is a very important part. Jens Peder Jeppesen believes that the future looks promising if wastewater discharge is reduced and bans continue to be respected.

– Then the strait will probably be a fantastic area for the animals that live in the area, nature lovers, fishermen and many others for many generations.

Fish behavior changed – because of the coronavirus:

Fish behavior changed – because of the coronavirus
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