According to GP, this applies to at least two other users who have repeatedly written posts with the same IP signature as Serneke’s first anonymous account. Both have written about Serneke in the Placera forum and have defended the bright future of the company.
Stock savers have previously criticized Ola Serneke’s actions and are now criticizing harshly again in light of the new information.
“It’s remarkable. This raises the question of whether this could not have been an isolated incident, and if it turns out to be systematic, it would be very serious,” General Counsel Sverre Linton tells GP.
Last week, GP wrote that an account linked to Serneke CEO and principal owner, Ola Serneke, posted hundreds of posts on Avanza’s stock forum, Placera. The account, also known as Pellucidum, has written for more than three years about the development of the company, the price of the shares and has received criticism.
Ola Serneke admitted these publications and wrote in a press release that “everyone who knows me knows that I am passionate about my company, that I am involved 24 hours a day and that I am very concerned that our company and all our employees are treated fairly in all situations. This is also the reason why I participated in the discussions in said forum. “
On Tuesday, Serneke announced that attorney Biörn Riese will review Ola Serneke’s actions. In GP’s experience, the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency has also started investigating the problem.