After Dplay released new images of the Estonian shipwreck off the Baltic Sea coast, accident commissions in Finland and Sweden, led by Estonia, have started to analyze whether a new investigation is needed.
Now, the head of the Estonian security authority says it may be a long time before there is a response.
– It won’t take years, but definitely a few months, says Jens Haug on Swedish radio.
Interesting photos
Jens Haug and his team will review the new film material and compare it to the old one.
It should also be assessed whether the images may have been tampered with.
It will eventually lead to whether a new investigation should be appointed. Jens Haug finds the new information interesting.
– But that does not mean that they are decisive to determine the reason why Estonia sank, he tells Swedish Radio.
The official explanation for the Estonian sinking is that a bow visor broke and the ship was submerged in water. New images released by Dplay show a four meter long hole in the helmet.
One of the theories that stands out is that something must have collided with the ship, causing the large hole and therefore the sinking.
The story behind the Estonian documentary