Missing people seek each other in new ways in times of the crown




People in a risk group are encouraged not to participate in the search efforts that missing people have during the current pandemic. Stock Photography.

Photo: Anders Andersson / TT

People in a risk group are encouraged not to participate in the search efforts that missing people have during the current pandemic. Stock Photography.

The focus has shifted more to acute disappearances when the organization Missing Persons had to change in the days of the coronavirus.

“We have, in our hearts, perhaps fewer clean skull actions where the public is involved,” says President Magnus Idebro.

Nearly 50 people are currently on the Missing Peoples website, and during the current pandemic, the nonprofit organization has been forced to change its search efforts.

According to the recommendations, the number of people in the skull runners has been limited to a maximum of 50 people. If there are more participants than are divided. You should keep a distance of 1.5 meters and if you feel sick, you should be at home.

Fewer old cases

Magnus Idebro, president of Missing Persons, describes the situation as an “emotional roller coaster.”

– We are mired in misery in these times. Then it would be good to receive good news, that a person has been found. We have been successful in many cases, he says.

Emergency efforts around the missing continue as usual. However, search efforts have been curtailed in cases where people have been away for several months. The organization also has fewer headlines calling for volunteers from the public, but is conducting some internal search efforts involving those working on missing persons.

“Great consequences”

In March 2020, 32 search efforts were made, compared to 15 in March 2019. Magnus Idebro believes that a more detailed analysis of each case is needed to answer why, despite crowning times, it increased this year. . In March, several internal search efforts were made, which are included in the statistics.

– The biggest difference is that I think they will wait for April, says Idebro, referring to the restrictions that were introduced in late March or later.

The number of new registrations for a missing person was 54 in March 2020, compared to 34 in March 2019.

