Miles Taylor is “Anonymous”: Trump’s critic from the White House.


Of: Marcus Älverbrandt


His critical texts within the White House have eluded the Trump administration.

Now emerge from the shadow of anonymity.

Former Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor is “Anonymous.”

More than two years ago, a debate article was published in the New York Times sharply criticizing Donald Trump’s ability to lead the country. The writer pretended to be one of “many top officials in the president’s own administration” who worked against Trump from within to “disrupt parts of his agenda and his worst leanings.”

The president responded to the accusations with a short but concise tweet: “TREATMENT?”

The secret source wrote under the pseudonym “Anonymous” with which he also signed his critical book of Trump entitled An advert. Among other things, he described the president as a power-mad leader whose policies fundamentally threatened American democracy.

In a blog post on the site Means, medium The writer now appears as Miles Taylor, a former chief of staff for the Ministry of Internal Security who later worked directly under the direction of then-chief Kirstjen Nielsen.

“The decision was not easy, I struggled with it and I understand why some question such serious accusations being made against a sitting president under the protection of anonymity. But my reasoning was simple and I stand by it,” Taylor wrote in the post.

The then head of the Swedish National Security Agency, Kirstjen Nielsen, and the then chief of staff of the National Security Agency, Miles Taylor.

Photo: Team Godbee / TT

The then head of the Swedish National Security Agency, Kirstjen Nielsen, and the then chief of staff of the National Security Agency, Miles Taylor.

“Liar and coward”

Reactions from the White House have not been long in coming.

“This low-ranking and dissatisfied former employee is a liar and coward who chose anonymity over action and leaks over administration,” wrote White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany in a press release. .

The president himself was quick to comment on the revelation on Twitter.

Who is Miles Taylor? He says he was “Anonymous”, but I don’t know him, haven’t even heard of him. Just another new deception: he worked in conspiracy with them. ”

The New York Times has denied knowing that Miles Taylor was the anonymous pen.

Photo: John Locher / TT

President Trump at an election rally.

Previously denied

Miles Taylor left the Trump administration in July of last year and now works for CNN, among others. In August, he first made his support for Joe Biden public in the presidential election, a video that was shown at the Democrats’ national convention.

That same month, he appeared in an interview on CNN with high-profile news anchor Anderson Cooper, in which he denied being the anonymous source.

“I wear a mask for two reasons: Halloween and the pandemic. So the answer is no,” he answered the question.

In the blog post, Taylor explains why she chose anonymity for so long.

“Giving my criticism unsigned forced the president to respond based on content or not at all rather than distracting her with petty insults and nicknames,” he writes, rhetorically asking:

What would you do when there is no one to attack, just an idea? We have the answer. I was exposed. And the ideas had to stand up for themselves ”.

