Michaela was diagnosed with a herniated disc, had a severe brain hemorrhage


When Michaela Germano, from Gothenburg, sat down and drank tea one night just over a month ago, it crossed her mind.

She says the headache came out of nowhere. It was a pain he couldn’t describe. After a while, he also got severe back pain.

– But I’m stubborn and not the one seeking attention in the first place, I went to bed and took painkillers. I was also in a lot of pain the next day, but I thought I would persevere and call the health center the next day if it did not improve, explains Michaela Germano.

Michaela suffered a brain hemorrhage.Photo: PRIVATE

The pain was still there and they gave him time in the health center. Before they helped her leave, she lay down on the couch. When he was about to get up, the sensation in his leg had disappeared and he collapsed on the ground.

Then he called the health center again and the nurse thought maybe he should go to the ER.

Wrong diagnosis

– But I would rather go to the health center and it was good to arrive. There I was examined by three different doctors. They all came to the same conclusion, that I suffered from a herniated disc and sciatica, says Michaela Germano.

They gave him a prescription for Alvedon and Naproxen and asked him to contact a physical therapist when he returned home.

– I trusted the doctors. But on the way I cried because I was in a lot of pain.

The next day he was home with continuous pain in his head and back, and no sensation in his leg.

– As the doctors said it was a herniated disc, I thought I did not want to be a burden on the health system and go back in. Of course, he should have sent me straight to the emergency room from the health center, she says.

But the next morning she was still in severe pain and Michael’s sister forced her to go to the emergency room at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

“He had suffered a severe brain hemorrhage”

– Then everything was very fast. I went in immediately. I thought I was dying and I was just crying and crying. After I had a quick X-ray, the doctor explained that I had suffered a severe brain hemorrhage and that I also had a back bleed, he says.

Sahlgrenska, where they took Michaela in severe pain.Photo: MATHIAS BERGELD / BILDBYRÅN

Michaela Germano was allowed to stay in the intensive care unit for a week and then another couple of weeks in a stroke room.

– Doctors believe that brain hemorrhage is due to the fact that I have had unusually thin blood vessels since birth. And that I’ve had the added stress around me over the past year, with deaths in the family, separation, and hard work.

Now he is home again and fighting brain fatigue. The paralysis of her leg has decreased, but she is lame and must be supported by a walker. Take medicine every two hours.

– I do not feel good at all. Doctors have said that I will have to be on sick leave for six months to a couple of years, he says.

“I could have died here at home”

Four days a week, she receives a home visit from a physical therapist and an occupational therapist.

– At the same time, many things are spinning in my head. He could have died here at home, he says.

Michaela Germano has now reported the incident to Ivo.Photo: TRUE WIKSTRÖM

Michaela Germano has sent a report to Ivo, the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate, with a complaint at the Närhälsan health center in Högsbo, where she received the wrong diagnosis.

– I can’t say anything about the specific case. But this sounds very unfortunate. It is very unfortunate. Of course, we will do an investigation into what has happened and how it could have happened, says Monica Ericson Sjöström, chief physician at Närhälsan in southwest Gothenburg.

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See also:
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