Mellin: The government must change its mind about funerals


Irrational consequences of the proposal: Löfven must change

From: Lena Mellin


An unreasonable consequence of the ban on gathering more than eight people is funerals.

In the worst case, even the spouse and children will not be able to accompany the deceased to the final rest. That is, of course, completely unacceptable.

I received an email from a woman who lost her mother last Saturday. With proposed rules restricting public gatherings and public events to eight people, not all of her father, herself and her three siblings would be able to attend the funeral. Terrible.

Nor would the visit of grandchildren, mother’s brothers and friends be allowed. With the funeral home staff such as a priest, a cantor, the funeral home representative, and more, the pot would be full after three, four, or five mourners. Not even the deceased’s husband and all the children would fit that way.

The Church of Sweden is not a revolutionary organization. Meekness is perhaps the word, although heat can appear from time to time.

The opinion of the Church government over the eight person limit you totally agree with that description.

Meekly. But one feels the clone in the hartassen.

According to its own statement, the church generally approves of the government’s proposals. In his opinion on the eight-person fence, they use the word accept instead. With one exception: funerals.

The Church of Sweden, which is the principal of all funeral activities in Sweden, except in the municipalities of Stockholm and Tranås, uses less dramatic words than I do now.

But they simply think it would be unreasonable to limit everyone present at funerals for several months to a total of eight, including church caretakers and other staff.

He proposes, with some severity, that an exception be made for meetings where you follow a loved one until the last break.

Up to twenty people should be allowed in, excluding staff, the church suggests. Of course, as long as the funeral home allows it. Keep your distance.

It is very easy to agree with the requirement. Partly because the funeral always it is an important part of mourning and parting.

But also because due to the ongoing pandemic, more people die than usual without the presence of family members. Then the funeral becomes even more important than normal.

Already now, 7,000 funerals are planned under the auspices of the Church of Sweden for mid december. To this must be added those of other denominations, Stockholm and Tranås. There will be more, the new regulation is expected to last at least four weeks.

It would be a scandal and endless pain if the firing of all these people were limited to fewer than a handful of survivors.

Funerals can be postponed. The deceased may be cremated and I hope the restrictions are eased. But the danger, which not only the Church sees, is that the deceased will remain in the morgue longer than is considered ethically defensible if the family members are unable to carry out the funeral in a way they perceive as correct and appropriate. By law, you shouldn’t wait too long.

The government is expected to make a decision on the eight-person fence tomorrow Friday, according to the Prime Minister’s Office. If not everyone present has a heart of stone, they do what the Church of Sweden wishes. Allow twenty funeral guests, not three, four, or five.

The new rules, as they will look now, will go into effect on Tuesday for up to four weeks. But they can be expanded.

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