Mellin: The government is terrified of making mistakes, even with mouth guards


Therefore, the Swedish Public Health Agency suddenly opens up to oral protection.


Not long ago, mouth guards were the most ridiculous thing out there. Anders Tegnell said they could possibly have psychological significance.

The Swedish Public Health Agency is now opening up so they can be used sometimes.


The circus mouthguards are on the move. Or has the Public Health Agency succumbed to political pressure?

At the beginning of the crown crisis, when other countries closed its schools on the assembly line, preschools and elementary schools remained open in Sweden. In other stages, education moved into the home. Homeschooling.

But the demands to close the schools were still initially strong. Not to mention loud. However, both the Swedish Public Health Agency and the government stood firm. In any case, for students covered by compulsory schooling. They went to school, enough.

In hindsight, a lot of people think it was good. Today no one is demanding that schools be barricaded again and second graders must fight with their school books at home.

Is there something similar that we are witnessing now, but with a different ending? Maybe.

The Swedish Public Health Agency and Anders Tegnell have as the virus outbreak strongly questioned, almost ridiculed, the use of mouth guards in the fight against the spread of the coronavirus. In some cases, they could even be completely counterproductive, making it easier for the infection to spread.

The most positive thing Tegnell said about mouth guards was that they possibly had a psychological effect. By protecting people, not just the carriers, but also the people around them, they were reminded that we are in the middle of a pandemic with a hitherto unknown, insidious, and potentially very serious disease.

But now there seems to be a smooth change walk. In a press conference with, among others, the Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S), the head of the Swedish Public Health Agency, Johan Carlson, announced that oral protection can have value. Sometimes.

For example, he had this to say about how local covid-19 outbreaks can be managed:

– Where (in the toolbox) the mouth guards can also belong, waiting for the congestion to be eliminated, for example in public transport.

He also said that mouth protection in some special cases may be recommended, perhaps if you live with an infected person.

I am not saying that is the case. But it can be a cautious and politically conditioned withdrawal.

In one country after another, mouth protection is required in public. Environments. On buses and trains, in restaurants, in shops or other places where many people gather.

The mill has spread to Sweden, where many people walk around with mouth guards on a voluntary basis.

According to a poll by Swedish Television, SVT, in fact, greatly increases sales. In a couple of weeks, sales at the Apotea online pharmacy increased from around 150,000 to 395,000 a week.

The population, and the international debate, thus exert great pressure on those in power, especially the government. For natural reasons, they are terrified of making mistakes and do not want to be accused of exposing people to unnecessary risks.

That may be the explanation for caution the change, from something completely unnecessary to something that in some situations may have value.

You can call it politics and then I think you’ve nailed it.

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Of: Lena Mellin


