Winners and losers in the exception of politics.
Also in politics is a state of emergency.
What comes out is the one that is most visible and seems the most credible.
It is not Nyamko Sabuni. Or Ebba Busch or Jimmie Åkesson.
Before the crown crisis, there was full swing in Swedish politics. The opposition, which has more mandates in the Riksdag than the government and its partners, savagely attacked from left to right.
It had an abrupt end when the crown crisis it sharpened in early March. Suddenly everyone seemed to agree.
Of course not. The opposition, i.e.M, KD, SD and V, have only realized that there is no situation for the fractions at this time.
When the crisis knocks on the door, it wants people have stability, not many gaps and screams. The opposition can settle for well targeted punctures.
Jonas Sjöstedt (V), Jimmie Åkesson (SD), Ebba Busch (KD) and Ulf Kristersson (M).
This has led the parties to cooperate on the state budget, the so-called January parties, in the spotlight, while the others have to fight to end there. In addition to the government’s S and MPs, the cooperation parties are also the Center and the Liberals.
But it is good to get to the center of the scene, both for the representatives of the January parties and for the opposition.
Among the four economic Cooperative parties are best for Social Democrats who lead the team with Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister, Magdalena Andersson, Minister of Finance, and Lena Hallengren, Minister of Social Affairs. All three do relatively well and are more or less visible all the time.
It is a little worse for the other government party, the Environment Party. Climate Minister Isabella Lövin has no natural place in the current debate and is increasingly presenting herself as deputy prime minister. However, it has not done the trick.
It’s a little bit better for Per Bolund, language channel and finance minister. With each new crisis package, it stops there and makes a reasonably confident and competent impression.
Stefan Löfven (S).
The center has benefited from cooperation with the government. Although party leader Annie Lööf has parental leave and is therefore not visible at all, support for the party is greater than in the 2018 elections.
Depends heavily on the party the financial spokesman Emil Källström, who also participates in the presentation of the numerous crisis packages presented in the last months. Its Nordic is not a disadvantage in this context. On the contrary.
But the liberals have failed to manage their government cooperation in the same way. I don’t think many people recognize economic spokesman Mats Persson on the street.
Party leader Nyamko Sabuni not visible Nor is Ella, with any competition, the leader of Sweden’s most invisible party at the moment. That is not a good rating.
Photo: TT
Nyamko Sabuni (L) is quiet in the debate right now.
If we go to the opposition, Ulf Kristersson (M) and Jonas Sjöstedt (V) manage to occupy a place in the debate.
The former does so as leader of the opposition. and president of the second largest party in parliament. In luggage, he also has great confidence in moderate economy and employment policies.
As usual, Jonas Sjöstedt attacks from the left, what else would he do and skillfully do it. He doesn’t seem like a forgotten and rowdy opposition politician. With nothing like a statesman.
It’s not worth it right now, Party Opinion figures are declining as Social Democrats increase. But in the long run, it strengthens the Left Party, of which I am convinced.
It is worse for Ebba Busch of KD and Jimmie Åkesson of SD who may face off with Sabuni over the leader of Sweden’s most invisible party right now.
None of them currently have natural place in the debate and, therefore, end up in the shadow of the media.
This state will not last until the elections in 2022. But now it looks like this.
The leader of Sweden’s most invisible party right now:
Nyamko Sabuni (I)
Jimmie Åkesson (SD)
Ebba Busch (KD)
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