From: Anna Sjögren
Mathilda Spetz, 40, fell ill with covid-19 this spring.
During fall break, he tested positive for antibodies, the same night he fell ill with corona for the second time.
– Many with antibodies think they are immune, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, says Mathilda Spetz.
In early March, nurse Mathilda Spetz, 40, began to feel ill. She caught a cold, had a cough, a headache and had a bad stomach. At first she didn’t feel much sicker than she did with a common cold.
But after a week it got worse.
– Suddenly I woke up and had difficulty breathing, says Mathilda, who generally has no trouble breathing.
In the end, he had such difficulty breathing that he had to go by ambulance to Linköping University Hospital. But at the hospital, they didn’t think she had any typical corona symptoms, so she was never tested for an ongoing infection.
Mathilda Spetz, 40, has had COVID-19 twice this year. First in March and then in November.
Mathilda recovered after a few weeks, but wondered if it was still the crown she had had. An antibody test was done through a private clinic that gave a clear positive result for antibodies.
– I have felt quite calm that I have antibodies and I have worked as usual, she says.
“I want to warn the people”
Months passed. During the summer and early fall, the spread of the infection was low. So during the fall break, Mathilda’s husband suddenly fell ill. He lost his sense of taste and smell, had a slight fever, and had pain in his body.
– My husband rarely gets sick. But this time it only got worse and worse with the symptoms. When he was sick for two days, I decided to go see if he still had antibodies, says Mathilda.
I had it, and the clinic found that it again gave a clear result, seven months after the test was done for the first time.
“Many people who have had corona believe they are immune and cannot get it again, especially if they have antibodies. I want to warn people to be careful, ”says Mathilda Spetz.
But already that night, Mathilda also began to feel bad. She developed a fever, which she describes as a terrible headache, felt nauseous and suffered from a stiff neck.
– After that I started coughing, I caught a cold, I lost my taste and smell and I felt very tired. This time I got much sicker, but without breathing difficulties.
This time she tested herself for an ongoing infection and confirmed it: it was covid-19. You are concerned that you have re-infected despite having antibodies.
– Many of those who have had corona believe that they are immune and cannot get it again, especially if they have antibodies. I want to warn people to be careful.
150 cases are investigated in Sweden
According to the clinic that did Mathilda’s test, there have been no cases so far where the tests have shown false positive results, either on ongoing infection or on antibodies. The test also gave clear results every time it tested itself.
There are now several confirmed cases in which people got sick a second time from covid-19. The Swedish Public Health Agency is currently investigating 150 suspected cases of reinfection in Sweden, according to DN. Marcus Buggert, an immunity researcher at Karolinska Institutet, says Mathilda’s case is unusual.
– It looks like you had the classic symptoms of corona and that you have probably had it twice. Sometimes it happens, but it is quite unusual. But more and more can happen the further we get into the pandemic, he says.
One possible explanation for Mathilda getting sick despite the antibodies could be that the levels weren’t high enough to fight a new infection.
– The thing about immunity is that it is neither black nor white. Antibodies found in the nose and saliva that are supposed to protect against re-infection can protect to some extent, but if you get a high enough dose of the virus, they may not be able to.
– But many times they help and make sure the infection does not become so severe, says Marcus Buggert, who says Mathilda’s case is unusual because she also had severe symptoms the second time.
“Important with the vaccine”
After all, the most common is that one develops an immunity during a certain period of time, studies suggest that many have a protection for about eight months after an infection. But Marcus Buggert doesn’t think society can achieve flock immunity just by naturally infecting people.
– You must have a herd immunity of 50 percent, it is difficult to see that we will reach those levels and obtain powerful protection. That’s why a vaccine is so important, says Marcus Buggert.
Marcus Buggert, immunity researcher at Karolinska Institutet.
He continues:
– I think the infection will survive, but if 70 percent of the population gets vaccinated, I think we can achieve a kind of herd immunity.
So what conclusions can be drawn if you get a positive antibody test?
– Most people think that you have a shield around which the virus bounces off, but that is not the case. Even if you have antibodies and may have some protection, you must maintain physical distance, restraints, and adhere to the least amount possible. The infection can be further spread by contracting something that has had the virus.
Is it still possible to hug your grandparents this Christmas?
– If you’ve been secluded before and met the guidelines before Christmas, then it should go well with a hug, says Marcus Buggert.