Massive drowning of moose in Arjeplog


The hunters association in Arjeplog writes on Facebook that the great elk walk is underway. But the ice in the area is very bad and on Saturday about 15 animals drowned.

“Today, several moose have passed through Rapasundet, Rattik and other places,” the Hunters Association wrote on Saturday, warning that more moose will drown due to the fragile ice.

The hike to the winter grazing area. generally occurs from mid-November to roughly mid-January in most moose.

– When there is snow in the mountains, the elk are pushed down and reach the ice covered areas. Some moose are more risk averse, others less, says Göran Ericsson, professor of play ecology at SLU in Umeå.

During winter, animals choose a place where energy consumption can be minimized. For moose that are in good condition, access to food during winter is less important, they would rather stay and starve than walk.

– There are two risks to balance, if you benefit more from the walk or from staying. In both cases there is weight loss. Our surveys show that between five and ten percent of moose can remain in mountainous areas throughout the year in some years, says Göran Ericsson.

Believe that a milder climate A shorter period of snow on the ground can cause moose to stay longer in their summer areas.

– Climate change can also contribute to worse ice conditions.

In areas with many mountains and valleys, it is often the terrain that forms the easiest path that moose have used since time immemorial.

– The 15 moose can come from different summer areas. I guess they would go south or southeast of the Arjeplogs and Arvidsjaurs area for easier food.

Read more:

TV moose are successful: they will return in 2021

The elk walk in SVT
