
Frösö Church on the outskirts of Östersund. Stock Photography.
In the grave of the western Frösön cemetery were buried patients from the state psychiatric hospital Frösö hospital, which between 1915 and 1988 cared for mental patients from all over Norrland and whose care in recent years has been strongly questioned.
Until now, the mass grave has only been a rumor based on stories from cemetery workers, the newspaper writes. The patients, many of whom died from the Spanish flu, are in most cases buried anonymously in the fall of 1918.
– The only reason we were able to discover this is that memory has come to live as an oral story, but the same day that story stops being told, it is also forgotten forever. Therefore, I am happy that now we can bring the memory of these forgotten people to life, says local politician Joel Nordkvist (M), who is behind the investigations, to ÖP.