Märta Stenevi wants to be a spokesperson for the Green Party


Märta Stenevi from Malmö is running to become the new spokesperson for the Green Party.
– I want us to be a much bigger, more important and influential party, he tells Sydsvenskan.
The moment she raises her hand, she becomes the favorite of the party leadership.

Märta Stenevi.

Märta Stenevi has done Comet race in the Green Party. Since entering politics eight years ago, she quickly became a regional councilor in Skåne, then a municipal councilor in Malmö, and in May last year she rose to the post of party secretary.

Now she wants to take over as spokesperson for Isabella Lövin.

– I have come to the conclusion that I would very much like to be the next spokesperson for the Green Party. I think we can play a much, much bigger role in politics than we do now, says Stenevi.

Isabella Lövin will also leave her post as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment. Do you want to take office?

– I’m running as spokesperson. That is my priority. If the party wants me to become a minister, I will accept it.

Various heavy names she has refused to become the new Green Party spokesperson alongside Per Bolund: Culture Minister Amanda Lind, EU MPs Alice Bah-Kuhnke and Secretary of State Maria Ferm.

Three have raised their hands before: MP Rebecka Le Moine, Minister for Gender Equality Åsa Lindhagen and Annika Hirvonen, spokesperson for the fierce migration policy.

Another candidate, Karolina Skog from Malmö, recently told Sydsvenskan that she had not made a decision.

But when Märta Stenevi now leave the message that you want to become a spokesperson, browse as a favorite. During her year as party secretary, she may not have been seen much in public. But behind the scenes, she has acquired a very strong position.

– I wouldn’t have stood up if I didn’t think I have a good chance of becoming the next spokesperson, she says.

Märta Stenevi.Image: Lars Brundin

Cooperation with the Social Democrats in government, the Green Party has been dear to public opinion. Voter support is as often below as above the Riksdag’s 4% barrier.

Märta Stenevi says she wants to expand the party so that voters don’t see it simply as an environmental activist party.

– We are the party that promotes more the climate and the environment. Who takes that challenge seriously. That was the beginning of my commitment and it is incredibly important for the game.

– But we must improve to show that the ideology of the Green Party is not only about the environment, but is a vision of society and people that has consequences in all aspects of politics.

– In order for us to build the confidence necessary to solve the great fatal problem that is the climate threat, we must also show people that we can create safety on the streets. Equal care. That we can create a school that sees all students and creates the same conditions.

– People must feel confident that if they vote for the Green Party, they will get the most progressive environmental and climate policy. But you also get a green policy that protects people’s everyday lives.

On the environment, the Green Party is a matter of heart then migration is the other. Märta Stenevi fully supports the demand for Sweden’s asylum policy to be more generous. Recently, the Minister of Migration, Morgan Johansson (S), received in his hand the proposal of the Migration Committee. To a large extent, they would mean that the temporary law would be extended with a stricter policy that was introduced after the 2015 refugee crisis.

But Stenevi wants the proposal whether temporary residence permits are to be eliminated, as well as the rules on maintenance requirements for relative immigration.

– The proposals put forward by the committee would be a big obstacle for people to settle down.

– It is one thing to have a temporary residence permit for a short period. But if you live with it for a long time, you have an uncertainty in life that makes it difficult for you to find housing and work, difficult to land in society and become self-sufficient.

Within the Green Party, a battle is raging: Is collaboration with the government worth it or has it cost too much?

“What kind of sauce monster have I been involved in creating?” recently asked former spokesman Gustav Fridolin. Veteran Per Gahrton, now president of Green Seniors, expressed the frustration felt by many environmentalists: The Social Democrats “are trying to insult the deputy to death.”

Also for Märta Stenevi there is a limit to how much the party can tolerate. But he doesn’t hide the fact that he believes that the Green Party’s place is in the government, because that’s where they do the most good.

– Every party worth its salt must want to be part of a government in order to implement its policies.

– I have not entered party politics as an adult and with three children because I think it is fun to sit and think with like-minded people. I agreed because I believe that our policy is so important that it must be implemented.

– Every reduction in emissions that we obtain in the government is a reduction of the debt with our children. Each missing reduction means that we send more problems to our children to attend to.

– I want to be where you make the decisions.

Märta Stenevi believes that the Green Party he must get better at keeping two balls in the air: engaging in government and, at the same time, telling voters more clearly what the party’s ideology and long-term goals are.

– I want us to sit in the government and make decisions. But I also want us to be able to talk about our politics in a way that people understand what we stand for, not just climate politics.

– We should not be ashamed to compromiser. They are absolutely necessary for us to develop an ecological policy. But we must feel that we are moving forward, says Märta Stenevi.
