The debt debate has broken out. Finally. It took some time to realize what headless experiment is going on in Sweden, the only one in the world, but now the token seems to have collapsed and the irritation is spreading.
It gained momentum when high school teacher Filippa Mannerheim in Expressen in mid-November launched a well-targeted attack on all parties to “return the millions in taxes and the school to the Swedish people.” He urged: “It is time to merge party lines and stop the expansion of limited partnerships” (11/17).
Sure enough, she counted blatant examples of where the school system has taken Sweden, “joy grade” because grades have become a competitive tool in the market, the half a billion profit large school groups make on Swedish tax money , his infiltration with teachers without Swedish teacher identification, in order to boost teachers’ salaries. The secret of statistics on individual schools. A “trade secret” that allows schools whose starting point is to make money without problematic transparency, choose students who do not require additional resources, create larger classes and make higher profits.
Regardless of basic political views, people are now reacting, and Svenska Dagbladet’s Näringsliv has published a series of articles in recent weeks on the consequences of the independent school giants’ methods of taking money out of the Swedish tax system. Among other things, a German pedagogy teacher, Rita Nikolai, says that “we rub our eyes.”
In Germany, one in ten students goes to a private school, but there the states have strong control over the school system. “They would never allow schools or educational companies to receive government funding and at the same time make a profit that is distributed to shareholders. Nowhere, he says, “is there a combination like in Sweden, with dividends for the owners and money from the state. This is absolutely exceptional. ” She said the same thing on SVT’s agenda last Sunday (12/6).
Paid private schools With private money is one thing, but the grotesque here is that ordinary taxpayers should sponsor groups from which they profit in a system that allows companies to hide their methods and results. The free choice of the school is based on our receiving information and information in order to take a position. Otherwise it is not a free choice. The Swedish school is funded by the citizens. So citizens must also have transparency and influence.
The goal of the school is to provide skills and knowledge, not to provide profit to commercial groups. Education Minister Anna Ekström, who now has the travel answers to the question “A more egalitarian school”, said on Sunday’s agenda: “We must adjust this system to make it more reasonable.”
Idea-driven schools explicitly say they want transparency and should not be confused with market schools. Teachers affiliated with the National Teachers Union are also protesting.
We are starting to become an international embarrassment. Donald Trump has shown interest in the Swedish order. It had been a wet dream for his administration to get taxpayers to sponsor schools that could then draw money from private profit interests. But even in the United States such a strange idea cannot take hold.
Although the school giants are in a hurry now launch the school after school, it is possible to back off. A start: go to the various research proposals. Force market schools to take responsibility for all students, not just the most manageable. Require open reporting in accordance with the open principle of teacher density, teacher qualifications and salaries.
This will make business more expensive and will not give school groups such ridiculously easy profits. And with the exception of people who have gotten rich off raving contributors, everyone will be grateful.
Read more:
Read Skolvärlden, where the German ambassador to Sweden responds in the school debate.
Read articles about the school on Svenska Dagbladet.
Read articles in the school debate on Expressen.
Read articles in the school debate on Aftonbladet
Read Focus on Banning School Withdrawals in California.
Read previously published text about the school by Maria Schottenius here. And other texts by Maria Schottenius here.