Margaux Dietz is one of the most influential people in Sweden and runs the “Margaux & Theo” podcast with her brother Theo Dietz. In the latest episode, it emerged that the bodyguards of her friend and Christian Democratic Party leader Ebba Busch had pushed her home after celebrating her 30th birthday. Something Aftonbladet was the first to report on.
“Then I felt like, ‘No, now I’ve driven enough here’ and then Ebba’s bodyguards had to take me home,” Margaux Dietz said on the podcast to which her brother replied:
“It’s never bad for Säpo to take you home.”

Ebba Busch.
Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT
The podcast statements have been fulfilled strong criticism, including from Annika Strandhäll (S), who demanded an explanation.
“Here we have a party leader for a parliamentary party aspiring to government power who joins in on a wet night out and then goes to town with lots of people to party. Exactly what the Public Health Agency and the Prime Minister said I shouldn’t do it, “Annika Strandhäll writes in a post on Facebook.
Strandhäll also criticizes Säpo bringing Dietz home:
“As a rounding, Säpo is used, whose task in this case is to protect threatened politicians and the central government at the expense of taxpayers as the party leader’s own Uber service to take home a drunk friend,” he writes.
During Wednesday morning parts of the podcast about the car ride have been cut, Aftonbladet reports.
For the newspaper, the KD press manager, Per Gudmundson, clarifies that it is up to Säpo to decide how a party leader moves “both in free time and at work”:
“In this case, a friend went with Ebba. Ebba has been to a private dinner at a restaurant with seven other friends and followed all the recommendations,” says Gudmundson.
DN seeks media Margaux Dietz and Perfect Day