Title: Hunt for a murderer
Director: Mikael Marcimain
hands; Helene Lindholm and Lotta Erikson. The series is based on Tobias Barkman’s reportage book.
Actor: Anders Beckman, Lotten Roos, Håkan Bengtsson, Rasmus Troedsson, Christian Fex, Lars Schilken m.fl.
Gender: Drama, cream
Degree: 4 of 5
Premiere: fifteen November on Swedish TV and SVT Play
Slow cooker, juicy, earthy, smells of celery and parsnip and a steaming broth.
“Hunt for a Killer” is like a carefully prepared autumn soup. It’s a series that can take time, where the cliffhangers that occur are so inconspicuous that you almost miss them.
I like this. Mikael Marcimain has done it again, a television series that stands out and this time because it has such a carefree roots, so free from artificial audience courtships.
But Marcimain is not alone, the environments are so well elaborated, the script so softly carpeted, the actors of flesh and blood and therefore at home in the landscape.
So does it make sense to make fiction of a tragic reality? Helen’s murder captured many and shocked them. What is truth and what is invention? I leave that discussion. As a television series, as a work of art, “Jakten på en murderer” is proof that there are many skilled storytellers, in all roles, both behind and in front of the camera, in Sweden. And Mikael Marcimain is one of our best directors when it comes to series that reflect Sweden and the era that has just passed.
And the story, in my eyes, is told with respect.
Mikael Marcimain has previously directed “Lasermannen”, “Upp till kamp” and “Graven” for TV.
Björn jansson
[email protected]