Many older people may have isolated more than necessary.


While many Swedes have been able to continue living more or less as usual during the corona pandemic, at-risk groups such as people over 70 have been urged to remain isolated.

Anders Tegnell now tells SVT that he understands if the elderly feel neglected and that the Public Health Agency is now reviewing the restrictions.

– We work very hard to find structures so that you can be a little more in contact with your loved ones, and I think we are quite close to finding a good model for that, he says, in “Helgstudion”.

According to him, the advice has been interpreted differently and some could reduce your isolation, as long as you stay away from others.

Anders Tegnell also says that it is not yet possible to say when the entire crown crisis is over; the aftermath can last a long time.

– On the other hand, we will get better and better tools to handle it in a good way and to be able to live longer as we did before, he says in the program.

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