The co-owner himself told on television about the transformation of the star horse: “He was no longer the Prince”
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Gunnar Melander and Månprinsen AM.
On Friday night, word came that the super horse Månprinsen AM is dead.
On Saturday’s V75 broadcast, co-owner Anna Maria Öberg recounted why they were forced to end the horse’s life.
– He attacked Gunnar, he attacked me. The prince no longer existed, there was someone else in his body, he said.
It was on the website of the Svensk Travsport association that the news appeared.
One of Sweden’s most profiled cold-blooded horses, Månprinsen AM, is dead.
– This will affect Gunnar, but … it was no longer possible to keep the horse. Gunnar called me on Wednesday and told me that the horse had become completely different. He was as dangerous as old stallions can be. Clearly, this cannot be said so easily for Gunnar, breeder and co-owner Anders Bodin told Kanal75.
“Black drops of anger and hatred”
Beloved wonderful horse you no longer exist but you will always live in my heart and soul. I never loved anyone or anything like you. Now it is only empty and missing. Looking forward to seeing you again on the other side of the rainbow bridge. “ wrote co-owner Anna Maria Öberg on Facebook.
On Saturday, Anna Maria Öberg was on TV12’s V75 broadcast and in a very emotional story she explained the change in behavior of the star horse.
From kind to evil.
– It was like a bowl full of joy. Until 1.5 years ago. Then it was like heavy black drops of anger and hatred that dripped into the bowl and drove away all the good, he said.
Öberg continued with tears in his voice:
– We tried everything we could, but we couldn’t. He attacked Gunnar. He attacked me. He was no longer the Prince. These hateful heavy black drops had filled the bowl. The prince no longer existed, there was someone else in his body. He was dangerous to himself, he was dangerous to his surroundings.
“We didn’t want to tell it”
The reason why the circle around Prince Luna AM did not report on the horse’s transformation was that they believed and of course wanted to get rid of his behavior. When that didn’t work, Anna Maria asked to be remembered for the super horse that he was.
– It was my beloved horse. Our boy. He was the hub of our lives. I want to be remembered as the amazing horse. That’s why we didn’t say anything about it. We didn’t want to tell you.
Moon Prince AM won 71 races during his career and raced for SEK 9.4 million. Among other things, he won the Swedish Championship in cold blood five times. Moon Prince AM was named Cold Blood of the Year five times at the Horse Gala.