Man with loaded gun arrested near Capitol


Five people were killed in the assault on Congress on January 6. The National Guard will send 20,000 people to the installation of Joe Biden as president on January 20 in Washington, as the risk of further violence is considered high. The entire area where the ceremony will take place has been cordoned off.

Wesley Allen Beeler, 31, tried to go through one of the control stations installed on Capitol Hill. When the police discovered that his identity documents did not give him the right to pass, they asked Beeler if he had a weapon in his vehicle. Beeler replied that he had a Glock that turned out to be fully loaded with 17 rounds. When police searched the vehicle, they found another 509 cartridges.

Beeler: “It was just a mistake”

Beeler was arrested and suspected of various firearms crimes, but was later released on the condition that he cannot return to Washington for any reason other than to stand trial or meet with an attorney.

Beeler had the “If they try to take your guns, give them your bullets first” decal on his vehicle. However, he claims that he received the identity documents from his employer and simply forgot that he had the gun in the vehicle.

“It was just a mistake,” Beeler told the Washington Post.

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