At 5 pm on Friday, a police operation is carried out in front of Bravida Arena. The police have blocked the entire parking lot after some kind of disturbance broke out there.
Several people have witnessed the incident and alerted the police. According to witnesses, several people must have been seen with a knife in their hand.
– The injured person was stabbed and taken to hospital, says Christer Fuxborg, press spokesman for the police in the West Region.
It is not yet clear what exactly happened on the site. When the police arrived at the scene, most of the witnesses had left the area.
Shortly after the arrival of the police, a wounded man was found nearby. A man in his 20s who is said to be seriously injured.
– We do not yet know the underlying cause. They are working on this now and we don’t know much, says Christer Fuxborg.
When the police arrived at the scene, most of the witnesses had left the area.
The case is classified as an aggravated assault. Police still have no suspects in the crime and a major operation is underway at the scene.
– It’s a case of recognition, says Christer Fuxborg.
The text is updated.
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