Man convicted of rape against children




A man in Jämtland is convicted, inter alia, of rape against children. Stock Photography.

Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT

A man in Jämtland is convicted, inter alia, of rape against children. Stock Photography.

A man in his 30s has been sentenced to four years in prison by the Östersund District Court for four cases of sexual crimes, including rape against children, local media reports.

The man was arrested in January on suspicion of raping two young women during a car trip. He is said to have committed sexual acts against both women and had a full sexual relationship with one of them and was sentenced by the District Court for two cases of rape.

He should also have been able to send two underage girls to send him nude photos of them. One of the girls he pressured to commit sexual acts, for which he is convicted of rape against children. The man is believed to have pressured them to sexually position themselves and commit child pornography offenses and is therefore also convicted of exploiting children.

In addition to four years in prison, the man is also sentenced to pay damages to the four accused for a total of SEK 365,000.

