From: Frida carlqvist
The Sluta skjut project in Malmö is approved and may be introduced in other Swedish cities, if adapted to local conditions.
This is demonstrated by the conclusions of a report prepared by the University of Malmö on the project.
– The message of the strategy is that violence is not tolerated, says Caroline Mellgren, assistant professor of criminology at the University of Malmö in a press release.
The Stop shooting in Malmö project is approved by the University of Malmö. The project is a collaboration between the City of Malmö, the Malmö Police Area and Frivården in Malmö. This is the first project to implement the Group Intervention Against Violence (GVI) strategy in Sweden.
The conclusions of the report are that GVI can be implemented in other Swedish cities, but that those cities that want to implement the strategy must learn from the project in Malmö and make local adjustments.
– We have followed the project for just over a year and we can see that they have managed to follow the strategy quite well, says Anna-Karin Ivert, assistant professor of criminology at the University of Malmö in a university press release.
“The message is that violence is not tolerated”
The strategy is to bring people together in groups where violence occurs so that they refrain from further acts of violence. The project also tries to show that there is another way to go and that society cares about the participant.
– The message of the strategy is that violence is not tolerated and, if it does not end, various actors will focus their resources on the most violent group: the whole group, not just the person who committed the act of violence, says Caroline Mellgren, teacher criminology assistant at the University of Malmö.
Photo: Krister Hansson
Stefan Sintéus, Malmö Police Chief, during a press conference on the “Stop shooting” project in Malmö.
– Those who have worked with the project think that the working method has worked well. Collaboration between the authorities involved has developed incredibly, thanks to a clear focus and common goals, as well as clear roles, says Caroline Mellgren.
– I am very happy and proud that we have been so successful with Stop Shooting, says Stefan Sintéus, Malmö Police Chief, in an article on the police website.
– Engaging in international investigation is an important incentive for the Swedish police to be even more effective in working against deadly violence.
The study does not measure the effect of the project, but only the actual implementation of the strategy in a Swedish context. An evaluation of the effects is expected in January 2021.
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