Malmö must do more against anti-Semitism | Mattias Svensson


The anti-Semitism that causes the Jews of Malmö to live with an insecurity that does not apply to other groups in Swedish society must become a universal academic statement.

Through intersectional perspectives and Foucault-style power analysis, the report problematizes that Sweden is characterized by “a majority Christian and Protestant perspective.” Teachers should “work with their own values ​​… with a critical view of their own norms” so as not to “reproduce racist structures.” The anti-Semitism that makes the Jews of Malmö, in particular, live with an insecurity that does not apply to other groups in Swedish society must therefore become a universal academic statement.

The mistake of wanting to integrate everything into a single explanatory model is that nothing becomes more important than anything else. Worse still: the important thing will be to take courses where the usual academic names and fashion theories can be exhibited by certified experts. “Now we work more with fundamental values ​​where I am now, but we have not talked about anti-Semitism”, as one of the interviewed professors says.

In more than one In a third of Malmö secondary and preparatory schools, there is at least sometimes standard derogatory jargon about Jewish stereotypes and about Hitler and the Holocaust. Another category of students is drawn to conspiracy theories.

What generates more aggression and hatred is the question of Israel / Palestine. The report clarifies that most students, regardless of their background, can distinguish between criticizing the politics of the land of Israel and blaming all Jews. However, those who cannot make this distinction are so many and so aggressive that most Malmö schools become unsafe for Jewish students.
