Main shortcomings in F-kassa investigations


A new report shows flaws in the Swedish Social Security Agency’s decision to reject compensation. Stock PhotographyImage: Johan Nilsson / TT

Försäkringskassan has not carried out sufficient investigations in several cases where the claim for sickness benefit and activity compensation was rejected. It shows a new report from the Swedish Social Security Agency (ISF).

In 11 percent of the 455 randomly selected rejection decisions, as of 2018, there are such obvious deficiencies that people may have been mistakenly left without compensation.

In another 37 percent of the investigated cases, there are quality deficiencies in certain parts of the investigation or deficiencies in communication about why the authority plans to make a decision on the denial.

The ISF, on behalf of the Government, examined how the Swedish Social Security Agency enforces the legal investigation obligation.

“It is a problem that more than every ten people whose claim for compensation is rejected receives it without the Swedish Social Security Agency having sufficiently investigated the matter. The individual is often less knowledgeable about the requirements of the regulations than the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, and may be completely dependent on compensation for their livelihood, “says Louise Grönqvist, ISF project manager, in a press release.
