Maggie Haney suspended for eight years after mental abuse and bullying


Haney, 42, has been temporarily suspended since January after both gymnasts and parents alerted to a leadership style fraught with verbal and emotional abuse. Clean and cut bullying in many ways.

According to USA Today, Haney yelled at the gymnasts when they made mistakes, kicked them out of training, and commented on their weight. Some of the gymnasts must have been as young as ten years old.

In addition, several should have been forced to train and compete despite being injured.

Karen Goeller, who worked in the same gym as Maggie Haney in New Jersey, was one of those who was alarmed by Haney’s methods. The gymnasts themselves had been silenced by Haney.

“The children were afraid to talk about what was happening,” Goeller told the New York Times.

Maggie Haney is suspended for eight years.

Among the gymnasts who testified verbally or in writing about mental abuse are Laurie Hernández, Rio 2016 Olympic gold medalist, and world champion Riley McCusker, who had Haney as their coach. However, Hernández broke up with Haney after the Olympics.

The decision of the American Gymnastic Association to close Maggie Haney for eight years, plus two conditionally, was made after two months of hearings.

“The Independent Hearing Panel, comprised of three gym members, an attorney, the club’s owner, and a former national team athlete, concluded that Haney has violated the United States Federation of Gymnastics Code of Ethics.”, writes the union about the decision.

The great successes of the US gymnastics team. USA In recent years they have been overshadowed by various scandals. Arguably the greatest was Larry Nassar, a former national team doctor, who in 2018 was sentenced to life in prison for exposing more than 100 gymnasts to sexual abuse.

Maggie Haney has not commented on the charges or the verdict.

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