Madrid closes again | Aftonbladet


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The Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, takes him to Madrid.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Alberto Di Lolli / AP / TT

The Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, takes him to Madrid. Stock Photography.

The Spanish government has declared a state of emergency in the capital of the Madrid region in order to partially reintroduce a closure. The measure goes against the regional government, which believes that the economy is suffering too much.

A court on Thursday reversed a government order for a 15-day partial closure in Madrid and surrounding cities. The scheme violates fundamental rights, according to the court.

The ruling pleased regional president Isabel Díaz Ayuso of the conservative PP party, who has described an illegal, excessive and catastrophic shutdown for the economy.

But on Friday, the socialist government criticized the decision of a state of emergency and thus Isabel Díaz Ayuso is run over, at least for the moment.

– Patience is limited, said the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, at a press conference in which he rebuked the Madrid regional leadership for inaction.

– It is important that the level of contagion in Madrid does not spread to the rest of the country.

The state of emergency affects about four million inhabitants of the capital and eight nearby cities.

Despite travel restrictions, people continued to leave the places in question; Monday falls the national day of Spain and many enjoy a long vacation.

The Madrid region has been in just over 720 cases of corona per 100,000 inhabitants in recent weeks, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and is, therefore, the worst group of viruses in Europe after Andorra .

