Maciej Zaremba responds to Johan Bratt and Björn Eriksson


In my article, I drew a grim conclusion. “Just a shady order from the region is enough for some doctors, nurses and others to forget both professional ethics and probably the law as well. What is it that gives this political level between the municipality and the Riksdag such a demoralizing force? “

The authorities of the Stockholm Region do not even want to touch this question in their answers. If mistakes were made in nursing homes, it was not theirs but the municipalities ”, they said (10/18). Instead, they want to focus on the word “light shadow.” Can you prove that I chose the wrong word? I must be wrong in other respects as well. It is the tactics that are the origin of this pseudo-debate.

With this wording, Eriksson and Bratt can make a darkened document appear public

It didn’t go so well the evidence in its first publication. The link they claimed led to the March region regulations turned out to lead to a May document. They do not apologize for the scam. They insist: “All of these guidelines have been posted on an open website for anyone to access. At one point, the relevant document has been posted there. “

It is cleverly written. With this wording, Eriksson and Bratt can make a darkened document appear public. The “regulation that governs” from March 20 was accessible while it was in force, “the opportunity given”, until the end of May. Then they were hidden. The citizen can no longer see which orders were valid when the death rate in nursing homes was at its highest. They weren’t public when I applied for them in August and they don’t exist now on the web pages of the region. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that they are in a thicket that even DN’s computer genius couldn’t find his way to. But for the citizen, they are inaccessible. “Light shady” was probably too weak. We are talking about blackouts.

DN’s fact editor Hugo Ewald has reviewed the story on the region’s website. The first time this regulation is mentioned is two months after its issuance, on May 20. The link leads to a revised version.

If you leave too late, after May 22, you will no longer be able to read the March rules

But you can You say they were public while it was in force, between March and May? “Available to the public”? Maybe. For those who have received the following guidance:

Go to the website for the region. Click on “Business”. Do not select “News” on the next page, select “Health and care”. Avoid accessing “About the coronavirus”. Don’t try “Health Knowledge Management”. Scroll past “Health and Care – Today and Tomorrow” as well as the regional management color images. At the bottom, without an icon, it says in “Information and services for caregivers” in small style: “For the caregiver’s guide”. When you’re there, press “Attention during the covid-19 pandemic.” In the box “From A to Z if covid 19” select “S”, if you know it is called “current regulations”.

If you leave too late, after May 22, you will no longer be able to read the March rules. Instead, check the regional newspaper. Look up “Regulations Governing Patient Flows”, because now you know what they are called. You get zero hits. Try the “regulations”. 400 hits. Try only “current regulations”. In front! You will receive titles in ten documents under HSN 2020-0505. All sadly classified. (By whom? By Johan Bratt, the same person who hereby asserts: “These guidelines have all been posted on an open website for anyone to access”).

Don’t give up, citizens. You may not have known that the region likes to put “secrecy” in things that should be public. Write to the registrar that you intend to appeal the secret seal in court. And look, the next day, the region’s lawyers find that the documents can be disclosed.

How many people interpreted it in a different way, we can find out when Ivo and the Crown Commission are done with their review.

That’s what the Stockholm region is means “accessible to all”.

The obvious question that arises is why a document governing Stockholmers’ right to care, and which hundreds of managers received in March, did not become widely known until May, and then through Eskilstuna-Kuriren. A doctor says: “The first thing I thought when I read: what will life be like if the media sees this! It can be interpreted in the sense that disabled people with covid-19 should not be cared for in hospitals. “

He himself did not interpret it that way. No, he didn’t sound the alarm. He had other things to do in March 2020. And he didn’t think it was time to aggravate the panic. Another doctor says: “We immediately saw that we had to ignore these orders. We would judge patients as we always have. “

We may find out how many people interpreted it differently when Ivo and the Crown Commission are done with their review. Until then, Björn Eriksson and Johan Bratt are happy to believe that they have no responsibility for the denial of hospital care to some of the oldest and sickest.

P.S. The region lifted the confidentiality of HSN 2020-0505 at my request on September 10.

Read more:

Why did the elderly have to die without medical attention?

Answer: “Zaremba is wrong in the care of the elderly”

Answer directly: “They do not refer to the document on which I have written.”
