This is not a normal response because the response I am responding to is not normal.
It is said that when a scam is bold enough, it becomes hard to believe that it is a scam. Our moral sense is defended. No one can be fooled like this, we think.
Yes, they can, just because he’s going home. No one knows better than Donald Trump.
Throughout the year, I have endured some less attractive discussion tricks. But it was private. I could never believe that the bravest of all would come from an authority.
In response states chief physician Johan Bratt and editor Björn Eriksson that most of my article is wrong. The region has not previously classified patients as treatable and others, all had the right to an individual evaluation. Not only that, Zaremba has claimed that the region has kept these “regulations” secret when in fact they were open to all. “Maciej Zaremba is objectively wrong.” Please check it out for yourself. “The document is here for whoever wants to read.” So they attach the link.
And the clicker may wonder where I got everything from. It does not say here that patients who have difficulty climbing stairs should not be sent to the hospital. Nor that they should be divided into categories. Here the importance of medical evaluation is emphasized. And obviously the document is not hidden. So he invents?
It refers to a revised version, where the most offensive writings have been removed.
If I hadn’t been able to respond to Bratt and Eriksson’s response, I could have been burned as a journalist. Only highly skeptical readers would notice the date in the header of the document. “Look, Zaremba wrote about the region’s regulations since March 20. But they are dated May 22.”
So simple It is, and so cheeky. The region’s response does not refer to the document I wrote about, which governed medical care when the pandemic was at its worst. It refers to a revised version, where the most offensive writings have been removed. And the original “regulations” cannot be found on the region’s website.
I don’t want to believe that director Björn Eriksson and chief physician Johan Bratt are capable of such a bogus game. But they should replace the region’s public relations agency. Or at least read what they sign.
Read Maciej Zaremba in DN Kulturdebatt: “Why did the elderly have to die without medical attention?”
Read Johan Bratt and Björn Eriksson’s response: “Zaremba is wrong about taking care of the elderly”
More articles by Maciej Zaremba