Luna, 16, suffers from parosmia, when the sense of smell is incorrectly connected


After the crown: eat the same three dishes, over and over again

Of: Sara milstead


Luna, 16, lost her sense of smell at 12 on May 25, 2020.

Today, nine months later, you can feel certain aromas again.

The problem: odors are distorted, a phenomenon called parosmia.

Aftonbladet has previously written about Luna, 16, one of the many Swedes who lost their sense of smell and taste during the spring 2020 pandemic.

For several months he smelled nothing and his appetite was gone. He had to set the alarm on his cell phone to remember to eat something. Social life, the fear of smelling bad – everything was affected when the ability to smell suddenly was not as it should be.


Luna Jansson, 16, lost her sense of taste and smell after a covid infection in May.

Four months later we hear from Luna again.

And this time, it is a much happier teenager who answers the questions.

“I was surprised”

The turning point came at Christmas. Then he received an unexpected gift – he managed to smell the raspberry licorice.

– Yes, I was surprised, she says.

– And the craving for sweets, adds Mama Novalie and laughs.

During the Christmas weekend, there were many more sweets. It was the first time since the probable covid-19 infection in May that he had enjoyed something edible. The relief for both her and her mother was great when development finally pointed in the right direction.

Although not everything has returned to where it was before the disease.

– Some things smell completely bad. Like vegetables and fruits. They taste like they should, but they smell awfully bad, I can’t even describe it, says Luna.

Can eat three dishes

It’s called parosmia, when the body’s olfactory cells are connected incorrectly. Otherwise, tasty dishes, for example, can suddenly smell unpleasant. According to experts, the phenomenon is common when the damage to smell is repaired.

For Luna, this means that the food supply remains extremely limited. He has three dishes that he imagines himself eating. She alternates these, throughout the day.

– It’s lentil soup, pancakes and sandwiches, he says.


Mama Novali and Luna in the kitchen at home.

Perhaps olfactory training has contributed to the progress. After taking part in the advice of the experts, among other things in Aftonbladet’s talk with researcher Johan Lundström, she has tried to help her senses on the run by inhaling strong foods that she veterinarian how they smell.

– But if the parasome does not come with it, we must seek help. I read that you should do it after a few months, says Novalie.

For Luna, parosmin remains a relatively small problem in this context. For now, life has slowly started to return.

– I can smell my cat again. And I have discovered that he has incredibly foul breath, he says in a cheerful voice.


