Lövin rejects KU’s request | Aftonbladet



From: TT


Minister of the Environment Isabella Lövin (MP).  Stock Photography.

Photo: Amir Nabizadeh / TT

Minister of the Environment Isabella Lövin (MP). Stock Photography.

Environment Minister Isabella Lövin (MP) dismisses KU’s report against her for an inventory of forest lands of high natural value.

Lövin points out that she was not Minister of the Environment when the decision was made.

– KU, of course, can review this, but I was not Minister of Environment 2018, so the report seems to be on the wrong track, he says.

It is the Center that reported Lövin to the Riksdag (KU) Constitution Committee. The antecedent is forestry research, which was presented last week. Researcher Agneta Ögren later told TT that the inventory of key biotopes, or lands with particularly high natural values, is based on a very weak legal basis.

The purpose of the inventories has been to gather knowledge about areas worthy of protection, but it has created a great conflict because they have prevented logging by forest owners.

“Overall, it is clear that the scope of the concept has been broadened to fully affect constitutionally protected rights and freedoms without legal support,” writes Center Party spokesman on forestry issues Peter Helander in the KU report.

The government decided to commission the Swedish Forestry Agency to carry out an inventory of key biotopes in 2018.

Lövin was then Minister for Development Aid and Climate. She became Minister of the Environment in 2019. The 2018 Minister of the Environment was another environmental artist, Karolina Skog, who is no longer in government.


