We don’t have to pay homage to a warlord

Aftonbladet editorial page he is independently a social democrat.
Joe Biden is not a saint.
The images after the US Congress stormed in have become historic by now: horned men with horns, broken windows, and angry Trump supporters wearing American-colored face paintings.
The next day our politicians spoke, but what I reacted to was not how they talked about Trump, but what they said about Biden.
“I am incredibly excited about the Biden presidency … we have a bright future ahead of us,” he says Birgitta ohlsson (L) to SVT.
She sees parties coming together all over the world, “no matter what they think about the economy and tax rates, they agree on values like democracy, freedom and human rights.”
I think it still takes a liberal to distinguish between economic policy and “freedom.” After a while, his hopeful monologue is interrupted by the host, who adds that “of course there are also big challenges.”
Then it is Carl Bildt’s turn to describe the United States as a “beacon for democracy.” But if we look at Biden’s CV, it turns out that he has been involved in the democratic decline of many countries.
Before George Busch’s war in Iraq, Biden was not only in favor of the war, he worked hard to carry it out.
Here in Sweden, no one is forcing us to pay tribute to Biden just to score against Trump.
The premise of the war was that there were weapons of mass destruction and that the Iraqi dictator was cooperating with Al Qaeda, something that many experts, even within the Senate, already thought was false information. Biden must have known, but he moved on anyway.
Later, Barack Obama said that the rise of Isis is a direct result of the invasion. But everyone can make mistakes, right?
But Biden continued to wreak havoc no matter in which country the United States felt liberated. His administration helped the Egyptian army to overthrow the country’s president.
The same military man who after two years subjected the country to a coup and an even more cruel dictatorship.
In Libya, the Obama and Biden administrations deployed the army to overthrow dictator Gaddafi, the result of which is an ongoing civil war. Syria was also to be liberated, but today it is in ruins.
There are many examples of when the United States supported or initiated military-led coups, and in modern times Joe Biden has been one of the main perpetrators.
“I have met Joe Biden four times, I have full confidence, is there anyone who can manage this in a country? It is Joe Biden, with his experience with his feet firmly on the ground (…) Joe Biden has said that he wants democracy to be high on the agenda also in multilateral talks, ”Stefan Löfven tells SVT.
I understand the relief that many in America felt when Trump lost the election. But here in Sweden, no one is forcing us to pay tribute to Biden just to score against Trump.
Doing so is not only naive, it also lacks history.
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