The day before New Year’s Eve, the police withdrew 31 times after alarm calls about people setting off fireworks in Malmö. The day before, the police had 44 such incidents.
– Many of the cases are that the rockets have targeted something: people, dogs, cars or fired at malls or shops, says Sara Andersson at the police command center.

Three 15-year-olds were arrested by the police for firing firecrackers at Barkgatan.
On Wednesday, the police responded to 31 incidents in Malmö that somehow were about people firing fireworks. The day before, there were 44 such incidents.
The way the police handle cases is very situational, says Sara Andersson at the police command center.
– If anyone remains at the scene, there are witnesses. If nothing is destroyed and there is no one left, it is not worth going out. If you are under 18, we seized the fireworks and it is a violation of the law of order, he says.
At 7:21 p.m., for example, Möllevången sent a patrol to Friisgatan, where the youths had fired rockets at a balcony. The police reached three children at the age of fifteen and handed the children over to their parents. The fireworks were seized.
– Most of these are young people, according to the callers. Many of the cases are that he has aimed rockets at something: people, dogs, cars or fired at shopping centers or stores.
Lund has been less affected by the early New Year celebrations, where police “only” had to withdraw in eight fireworks incidents in the last 24 hours. But at 21 o’clock an alarm sounded that at first seemed serious: an explosion inside an apartment building in Södra Sandby.
It turned out that someone or someone had fired a New Year’s rocket at the staircase. There was no fire and no one was injured.
– No one was left at the scene and no one had seen anything, says Sara Andersson about that incident.