Many companies need to digitize their daily lives, but they do not dare to cross the threshold.
However, the digitization journey doesn’t have to be that complicated.
In many cases, it starts with electronic signatures, which can quickly streamline operations.
Get started safely with the Nordic leaders in e-signature – read more about Scrive here
The digital race affects in principle all activities. However, some companies and organizations still have a reactive vision of digital transformation and lag behind in development. Perhaps the opposition is due to the fact that the path of digitization is perceived as complicated?
That was at least what 86 percent of the organizations surveyed said when the software company Couchbase recently conducted a survey.
At the same time, more and more business leaders are seeing the potential of digital transformation. The benefits are obvious – better workflow, more efficiency, better products, and even entirely new services are examples that can come with this process.
And it doesn’t have to be that complicated, even small interventions can have a big impact on the company.
Electronic signature saves hours of work
One way to start your digitization journey, which will save you time and money, is to reduce administration by digitizing the hiring process.
For the past ten years, Scrive has driven this development in Europe. With clients in more than 30 countries, Scrive’s electronic signature service has saved many hours of work in offices and companies around the world.
– The digital journey of a company can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Starting at one end – for example, digitizing a certain type of document first – is a good start, whether it’s quotes, deals, or something else, says the company’s CEO, Viktor Wrede.
Digitized contracts a secure solution
The development of technology in conjunction with new legislation regulating digital commerce has made electronic identifications and electronic signatures possible and more common.
Scrive uses this technology and inserts digitized contracts into a virtual storage space.
– In this way, both managers and employees can access all contracts from their stores with the push of a button. This leads to faster customer service, better fraud protection, and a much better system for secure contract storage, says Viktor Wrede.
How secure is your solution?
– As the agreements are digitally sealed with the support of blockchain technology, we guarantee the integrity of the signed documents to protect them and detect forgeries.
Modern way of closing stores
Electronically signed agreements have already become standard in many industries. With the help of electronic signature, companies can close deals remotely in a whole new way, regardless of whether it is done directly in the browser, business system, smartphone or on another device.
– Businesses can simply win business regardless of whether you or the customer are on the go. All offices, departments and companies can find flexible solutions to suit their needs, concludes Viktor Wrede.
Try Scrive free for 30 days; read more here