Löfven: S behind the parts proposal for the – drive over LO


– The government’s opinion is that there is an agreement to reform them. Therefore, the government will begin to draft a bill that will work across the entire labor market, says Eva Nordmark at the press conference.

According to the Minister of Labor considers the government said the agreement between PTK and the Swedish Business Confederation is sufficient as a basis for moving forward even though LO is out. Eva Nordmark does not want to answer the question of how today’s message affects the relationship with LO.

– We understand that this is an agreement of the parties to follow. For me it is important to have a bill that works for all social partners and this also applies to LO members, he says.

Minister of Labor Eva Nordmark (S).

Minister of Labor Eva Nordmark (S).

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

The government and the coalition parties, the Center Party and the Liberals, want to change the Employment Protection Law, read. During the fall, LO, PTK and the Swedish Business Confederation engaged in negotiations that stalled since LO was unable to support the proposal in the investigation. LO believes that the proposals represent the largest deterioration in more than 40 years.

The state called Toijer’s research says that labor law must “adapt to the current labor market.” The research proposal would become law from 2022, if the social partners did not agree.

Although LO stood out, PTK, representing TCO and Saco officials, has agreed with the Confederation of Swedish Companies on changes to the. Thus, the question ended up again with politicians to decide with which model they want to proceed: the investigation of the parties or the State.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven commented on the decision on Facebook:

“The executive committee of the Social Democrats has supported a change in the protection and adjustment of employment based on the agreement of the parties, rather than the so-called Toijer inquiry.”

What is the government’s message the media remains to be seen.

The Las issue is hot, with great political turmoil and a government crisis as the final consequence. Jonas Sjöstedt of the Left Party has threatened a vote of no confidence if the government goes ahead with the investigation proposal.

Kommunal of the LO union, for its part, has threatened strikes and demonstrations if the latest proposal is approved. Furthermore, the financial support of the LO unions for the electoral movements of the Social Democrats is in jeopardy.

Eva Nordmark does not want to comment on whether today’s announcement has increased the threat of a government crisis or whether the Center Party and the Liberals agree to go ahead with the parties’ agreement. Nor does he want to give an answer to the position of the president of LO, Susanna Gideonsson, in the executive committee of the Social Democrats, which includes Gideonsson.

The V-leader commented on the government’s message on Twitter, where he writes, among other things, that it is good that the latest investigation does not become law. At the same time, Jonas Sjöstedt warns that the threat of the party remains:

“LO has never accepted the agreement that PTK entered into. Therefore, it cannot be the basis for the legislation of LO members. The government cannot force the deterioration of LO, that we cannot accept ”, he writes.


Changes in it deals with rules on employment protection, adjustment systems and unemployment insurance. The employer sector, among other things, has lobbied for more flexible priority rules and wanted to relax the concept of “factual basis for dismissal” in order to be able to fire employees for personal reasons.

Eva Nordmark says the government will analyze the parts of the SN / PTK agreement on unemployment insurance and adjustment, where the state is supposed to contribute money.

– We will analyze their proposals carefully and dialogue with them, says the Minister of Labor.

Several LO unions welcome the government’s announcement that the investigation of the politicians is being dropped.

Read more:

This is what the negotiation was all about: it can become a historic milestone or a failure

Ewa Stenberg: Löfven may go down in history as an enemy of trade unions
