Introducing a republic would be an act of freedom. Both for royalty and for the people.
This is a chronicle of a newsroom employee. Kristianstadsbladet’s political etiquette is liberal.
The monarchy unites those who are born and marry into royal families. Hooves can be outdated prisons for people who want freedom and privacy. It shows the famous interview with Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle earlier this week.
The couple testify about how the court, “The Firm”, eluded their lives and did not take them in defense against a hungry world press. Meghan Markle also tells Oprah Winfrey and viewers that someone or some of the royal family, but not Queen Elizabeth or her husband, Prince Philip, were concerned that their son Archie would have too dark a skin color.
She also revealed that she sank into depression after the wedding and eventually feared she would take her own life. Prince Harry published the text about how bad it had been for his mother, Princess Diana, and that he had to act so that history did not repeat itself. Therefore, they moved first to Canada and then to California to get as far away as possible. Leaving court, family, and homeland is a big deal, even for rich and world-famous royalty.
Mental suffering and mental illness cannot be cured with high social status and material standards.
But don’t they shed crocodile tears? The couple is extremely privileged. However, mental suffering and mental illness cannot be cured with high social status and material standards. If you live in a dysfunctional environment, you feel bad, regardless of the golden edges. Not getting respect and love in close relationships hurts everyone. Getting your chances in everyday life cut out. To always show one Hard upper lip in all official contexts it is eaten. That Prince Harry and Meghan Markle count, despite the stigma and increasing conflict in the family, is therefore strong and good. Both for them and for the people.
The monarchy is an institution that exists for the sake of the “subjects”. For national collection. For a common identity. Members of royal families are expected to be seen and lead the nation, without being political or personal.
The magnificent television series “The Crown”, which describes the life of Queen Elizabeth, shows how duty precedes person. How the monarch must always put his role as head of state before his own needs. If you choose that office yourself, it may have happened. But being born for that is cruel. And unfair.
You mean the meritocracy? and human fitness must triumph over blood ties, monarchy is an abomination. The citizens of a democracy must have the right to choose the individual who will ultimately represent them. It is important for the legitimacy and respect of the individual. Therefore, both the UK and Sweden should establish a republic and hold presidential elections.
If one believes that meritocracy and the fitness of human beings should prevail over ties of blood, monarchy is an abomination.
It must be recognized, however, that royalty can make extraordinary and important contributions. King Carl XVI Gustaf delivered a healing speech in 2005 after the tsunami disaster. His statement in December that the handling of the Swedish crown is a failure was also redemptive. He dared and was able to tell that the emperor was naked.
And on Thursday night, the Swedish royal family invites a televised memorial service for the 13,111 people who died of COVID-19 during the first year of the pandemic. Magnificent. Take off your hat!
However, establishing a republic would be an act of freedom. Both for royalty and for the people. Everyone has the right to choose their own life and its representatives.
Sofia Nerbrand is Political Editor at Kristianstadsbladet