The corrugated cardboard that covered the windows facing the plate and Sergels Torg was enthusiastically knocked down on Friday. After a year and a half of renovation, Stockholm residents and tourists were again welcomed in Kulturhuset.
– Culture has a more important role than ever in these times. You should be happy, provoked and challenged, said Jesper Larsson, CEO of Kulturhuset Stadsteatern during Friday’s opening.
The schedule was kept and the money remained in the wallet.
The renovation, which has been carried out over 18 months, has mainly consisted of a technical remodel of the property. But visitors will also be greeted by a new visitor center, new signage, and restored art. During Friday’s opening, Stockholm City Councilor for Real Estate Dennis Wedin (M) was very happy that the renovation schedule could be kept.
– We also have 90 million left in the budget. It is worth celebrating. Now we are seeing how we can develop the culture even further because we have room in the budget, said Dennis Wedin (M).