Kristersson: Löfven has laid flat for the Green Party


Ulf Kristersson: Yesterday, S collapsed on immigration policy


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Yesterday's message from S is a betrayal and is deeply irresponsible.  It lacks the support of the Swedish people.  And it will lead to the difficult integration problems that we see every day get worse, writes Ulf Kristersson.

Photo: Lotte Fernvall, TT

Yesterday’s message from S is a betrayal and is deeply irresponsible. It lacks the support of the Swedish people. And it will lead to the difficult integration problems that we see every day get worse, writes Ulf Kristersson.

DEBATE. Yesterday, the Social Democrats collapsed on the immigration issue.

After the strange summer trips, when some days S sounded as if the moderates wanted to settle with us because of a much stricter immigration policy and other days they also wanted to negotiate for the parliamentarian, yesterday the message came from the government itself.

The result must be seen in light of the fact that Stefan Löfven has said at least three times at major press conferences in recent years that Sweden must reduce immigration significantly. And in light of the fact that he himself finally realized this week that most people realized a long time ago: that large-scale immigration, poor integration, and many crimes are connected.

But yesterday, his administration landed on a proposal that will increase immigration if implemented.

It is not possible to draw any other conclusion from yesterday’s oral statement than that the Social Democrats have bowed in favor of the Green Party, and now this distinctly small party with a distinctly different vision of immigration also decides government policy.

Nor can one draw any other conclusion than that, once the moment of making a decision arrived, the Social Democrats chose to maintain the power of government rather than maintain their political integrity and, above all, the interest of the country.

It is a betrayal and it is deeply irresponsible. It lacks the support of the Swedish people. And it will lead to the difficult integration problems that we see daily results from remaining unsolved, worse still.

I know that many hard-working city councilors in Sweden, with different party colors, will be very concerned. They try to protect vulnerable areas from even greater social problems and crime and know that reduced immigration to Sweden is required. The response of the Social Democrats was that the government demands its victims and that precisely these municipalities were sacrificed first.

The “Law on Upper Secondary Education” is a paraphrase of the incomprehensible legislation that mainly granted residence permits to unaccompanied youth despite the lack of protective grounds.

That law was an accident from the beginning and now the government wants to make it even more generous. These men should be allowed to stay longer even if they do not have a job.

In practice, this is a big step towards a blanket amnesty, even if none of the ruling parties dares to say it out loud. Furthermore, the government now wants a new protection base so that even more people with no real reason for asylum can stay in Sweden.

Immigration policy is just one of a series of issues on which Social Democrats bow to the Green Party, as it is their only way of holding onto power.

In normal coalition governments, goals and directions are shared and compromises are made on concrete means. This government has no objectives or direction of travel and therefore engages in everything that would otherwise lead to a government crisis.

The political scientists of the future will lecture on this and on the damage this did to confidence in Swedish politics.

The moderates We will do our best to stop this. Not because we are against an internationally open and dynamic Sweden, but because we are convinced that poorly regarded Swedish immigration policy has reached the end of the road.

It is not respected, neither in Sweden nor abroad. Not even in the countries where many asylum seekers come from. Instead, he is perceived as naive and clueless. And it has long led us to such difficult social problems that we must act.

Thousands of adults who never learn Swedish and never get a job. Thousands of children growing up in overcrowded areas, without contact with ordinary Sweden. And now thousands of young people who commit really serious crimes, intimidate witnesses into silence and do justice to themselves.

If we are to seriously solve these problems, immigration must be reduced at the same time. As there are always new people, it is impossible to be successful with integration.

If you want great immigration, you have to be honest enough to say it in plain text. And then let the voters decide how they want it.

I know that there is a majority among the Swedish population in favor of reducing immigration and taking serious problems seriously. I hope most are also in the Riksdag.

Ulf Kristersson, party leader (M)
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