Kommunal and Metall jump on the bandwagon


The Confederation of Swedish Companies welcomes the fact that Kommunal and IF Metall have joined the agreement. Among other things, it will provide full-time education support for up to one year with 80 percent of salary, for example for adjustments. The Confederation of Swedish Companies hopes that more unions will decide to join this agreement.

Employees with fixed-term contracts will have better conditions and layoff costs will be reduced. Employment protection must be strengthened at the same time that employers must have greater opportunities for flexibility. The idea is also that it will be easier to bring cases to people who think they have been unfairly fired, according to the parties.

One way to reinforce the conditions of fixed-term employees is that the periods between jobs can be included in the period of employment, that is, the limit of permanent employment is reached more quickly. People in the staffing industry must also be offered permanent employment after working for the same employer for at least 24 months.

IF Metall Contract Secretary Veli-Pekka Säikkälä says that adjustment conditions, which would otherwise have to be used three times during working life, have been an important topic in negotiations. Union members have suffered many times in various technological changes or when working conditions have changed in other ways. This does not mean that IF Metall has left the way on the last question, says President Marie Nilsson in a comment:

– Problems with precarious employment and lack of skill development persist and must be resolved. We need to get involved in defending the interests of our members. We cannot allow others to resolve the important safety and fit issues. And we hope more unions from LO will join.

Kommunal agreement secretary Johan Engelsog says they have prioritized three issues during the negotiations and are satisfied with all three. This applies to general fixed-term employment, low employment rates, and the issue of adjustment opportunities and skills development.

– I’m glad that we can finally spend a general set time to the history books and that the abuse of “planning” stops. I dare call it a historic success when now, for the first time in several decades, we changed those in a way that strengthens job market security for Kommunal members. Therefore, this agreement is a big step forward for gender equality, says union president Tobias Baudin.

Susanna Gideonsson, President of LO He believes that even though they previously said no to the deal, there are positive aspects to the result.

– There is not much to say. After all, every union is free to sign the agreements it needs to solve its members’ problems. Based on this, it is positive that they have passed the safe employment requirements for female-dominated industries.

So is it positive that IF Metall and Kommunal accept the terms?

– It’s double. Above all, we would have liked to have had the opportunity to sign a completely new main agreement, which the Confederation of Swedish Companies had said yes when it was LO who raised the demands. But what they have accomplished in the matter is good, says Susanna Gideonsson.

She continues:

– Negotiations are what negotiations are. We all have the same goal, regardless of whether it is LO or our unions, and that is to improve the safety and conditions of our members. Sometimes you have to take big bites, and sometimes it’s little things on the edge that you get through.

The text is updated.
