KO demands SAS pay when trip is canceled – millions in fines threaten


The question has become a burning question since SAS delayed payment for tickets to many of those who have canceled travel in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic.

“In this case, the legal rules that must protect consumers are very clear, refunds must be made within seven days. There are no exceptions,” writes Gunnar Wikström, process advisor at KO, in a comment.

The Consumer Ombudsman has sent precautionary measures to SAS.

“Due to the corona pandemic, many consumer flights have been canceled. SAS airline has not paid everyone who bought flights that never departed. According to the EU Air Passenger Regulation, the company has seven days to return the money, but many consumers have waited much longer to receive the money, “writes the authority.

The first court order is linked to an ongoing fine of SEK 1 million per month. This means that if the company does not return the money on time, it may be forced to pay the fine, writes the Consumer Advocate.

The article is updated
