The leadership of the Christian Democrats wants to eliminate the teaching of the mother tongue, previously called the mother tongue, but the proposal faces strong opposition in the party.
The research cannot prove that education is of any use, and furthermore, there are many deficiencies in teaching, according to the leadership of KD, which wants the 1 billion kronor that education costs to go into Swedish for immigrants.
“Deficiencies in teaching”
– We simply see that there are a series of deficiencies in the teaching of the mother tongue, among other things that 40 percent of the teachers are not competent and that we have a situation in which one in four schools does not receive the approval of the Swedish School Inspectorate, KD Party Secretary Peter Kullgren tells Ekot. .
Gudrun Brunegård, Member of Parliament (KD) disagrees. He wants the teaching to continue and has presented a counterproposal.
– The teaching of the mother tongue has a place. There is research to support its value. There are many children who need it, we have many children who come from non-Swedish speaking homes, he says.
Collect signatures
According to his proposal, the Ministry of Education will take the initiative of an investigation on teaching in the mother tongue, which will investigate, among other things, how distance and distance education can provide more students with a good education from qualified teachers.
Several KD politicians and other party members have signed a petition in support of his proposal.
The issue will be decided on Friday by the KD party council, the party’s highest decision-making body among national assemblies. Among other things, the representatives will take a position on a new educational policy program for the Swedish school.
– Many support and encourage my proposal, many support the proposal of the party board. We’ll see who gets the most, says Gudrun Brunegård.
From the collection of names
“We hereby show our support for the following request from Gudrun Brunegård regarding the party board’s proposal to suspend the teaching of the mother tongue, an issue to be discussed at the party council on 10/9/2020 .
The demand we support is: Rejection of lying proposals. Instead, I want the Christian Democrats to launch an investigation of
how evidence-based mother tongue teaching will be applied,
how distance learning can help more students access good teaching by qualified mother tongue teachers
who should have the right to receive instruction in their mother tongue. “
The Christian Democrats want to use the aid money to build prisons in other countries. Foreign citizens would be sent there to serve their sentences. Here, party leader Ebba Busch is interviewed by Expressen’s Niklas Svensson.