The acclaimed new documentary on Estonia reveals a previously unknown large hole in the wreck and presents new testimonies about military transports on the ship.
Now the Christian Democrats are demanding that the Riksdag debate these tasks, and the responses of Interior Minister Mikael Damberg.
– There are so many questions to ask about the sinking of Estonia after the almost sensational finds of the new documentary. Is the government prepared to designate a new investigation that includes a diving operation with full reports and open to the public, says Member of Parliament Mikael Oscarsson (KD).
“Suspicion of sabotage?
He also asks if the government knows if there was a sensitive cargo on board the night of the shipwreck in Estonia. This after a witness said that military vehicles boarded the ship before departure.
Oscarsson asks if this in that case has influenced the decision not to save the ship.
– Or is a rescue prevented because there is a suspicion that Estonia may have been the object of sabotage? he says.
Sweden and Finland help Estonia in a new investigation on Estonia.