Karolinska staff are forced to work overtime


From and on the Wednesday before Karolinska University Hospital in Solna and Huddinge overtime was scheduled for 250 nurses and 140 auxiliary intensive care nurses.

– As everyone knows, the pressure is extremely high right now. So instead of, like today, calling and ordering staff to work overtime, often on very short notice, we schedule overtime. So we will not charge more overtime than we have done in recent weeks. In return, these employees will know when and where they will work their overtime, says David Konrad, who is responsible for surgery, anesthesia and adult intensive care at the hospital.

Doctors don’t have to

Scheduling means that these two categories of personnel will have to work an additional 12.5-hour work shift over a two-week period. However, the total weekly working time will be a maximum of 43.8 hours.

TT: Why not the same for doctors?

– The staff situation seems a little less bad for the doctors. When we look at the schedule, we see that we will handle it with the doctors who are on site, says David Konrad.

Two bad things

According to David Konrad, the pressure from patients in the hospital at the moment is so high that the staff will have to work with unmatched force during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

– Corresponds to 160 percent of capacity, compared to a regular Christmas and a regular New Year, he says.

TT: How will the staff react?

– The reception will certainly be different, but I know it has created great frustration among many for not knowing when to work. Of the two bad things, this was the less bad and as soon as the situation looks different, we will of course remove this programming, says David Konrad.

Fixed: In a previous version, the wrong day of the week was indicated at the beginning of the text.

Johan Nilsson / TT
