The debate: embarrassing silence, also from the Swedish government
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For EU cooperation to continue in the future, the EU must stop falling in love with countries that do not take care of themselves, writes Karin Karlsbro (L).
DEBATE. Today is Europe Day, although in many parts of Europe from the balcony. This year alone, 70 years have passed since the Schumann Declaration was written on May 9, the beginning of European cooperation.
Although we are currently going through one of the worst crises in the history of the EU, May 9 is a day worth paying attention to. EU cooperation has provided us with incomparable prosperity and has laid the foundation for peace, freedom and democracy for millions of Europeans. Without the EU, our part of the world would have been poorer and less free.
But this is also a day when we must recognize that the EU is struggling with great challenges and fragmentation.
At the risk of depression and mass unemployment, intense discussions are taking place about how the EU should save the economy, and opinions are disintegrating between north and south, west and east.
At the same time, we can no longer turn a blind eye to the fact that several member states are failing to deliver on their promises, such as protecting democracy, freedom and equality.
In Poland, the government is trying to completely ban abortion and introduce LGBTQ-free zones. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán governs the country with an iron hand, indefinitely. The courts are no longer independent and the free word is like the independent media under severe pressure.
This is not only devastating for the Polish and Hungarian citizens, it is a farce and a betrayal for us and most of the EU member states follow the rules of the Union.
What is happening in these countries should make the European democracies and the EU institutions shake. But instead of a condemnation in unison there is dazzling silence.
The European Commission is running out. Either you blame it for being too early or you claim that it is too difficult to impose sanctions, that you have to wait, that you have to review the development a little, a little more.
From member countries, including the Swedish government, it is embarrassingly quiet. The review time is long overdue. It is time to act.
The EU is a diverse mosaic, united in diversity. Countries do not have to like everything.
But for it to work, we must agree on an adequate and non-negotiable basis of rights and values. Democracy and the rule of law: these values must not only be good words, but also the foundation on which the EU rests.
Without respect for our common values, the Union and our credibility are eroded worldwide.
The EU is in many ways a fantastic collaboration. What is happening in Poland and Hungary is a sad setback, but we must not forget that during the 70 years of the EU, much progress has been made and crises have been overcome.
But for EU cooperation to continue in the future, then the EU must stop falling in love with countries that do not act.
The European Commission must start using the available tools, but also get even more precise tools to act against those Member States that refuse to respect common EU rules.
Liberals want EU support to be withdrawn from those Member States that do not respect these core values. Even those who do not like democratic values can count and understand the value of money.
Every year, the European Commission must publicly examine the rule of law and the fundamental rights and freedoms of each Member State. When systematic deficiencies are detected, the European Commission must act quickly.
More infringement and activation procedures for Article 7 of the EU Treaty must be carried out. The latter means that countries that are misused can lose their voting rights in the EU.
As the most friendly party to Europe for Sweden, the Liberals are extremely interested that the EU should never stoop to fight for the values on which cooperation is based.
For too long, people have tried to speak to member countries without success, we have had enough to wait.
Karin Karlsbro, European parliamentarians (L)
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