Can those who live in nursing homes also visit family and friends in their homes?
This is one of several questions from Aftonbladet readers that the Swedish Public Health Agency answers today.
– I mean how to set up routines in the nursing home, says Karin Tegmark Wisell.
After Thursday’s Public Health Agency press conference, the Public Health Agency answered nine questions from Aftonbladet readers.
Liselott wonders: When will it be announced if the 50 limit will be changed, so that those of us involved in sports and culture can plan for the future?
– I have to refer that question to our decision makers. But we see that it can increase to 500 viewers as long as it has infectious circumstances, says Karin Tegmark Wisell, department head at the Public Health Agency.
Signature H wonders: Why are nursing homes open for visitation but not BB for new parents?
– There is a legal prohibition of visits to the care of the elderly. When it comes to hospital evaluations, decisions are made at the hospital level and sometimes at the regional level. But it is not a legal prohibition to come and visit BB.
Tegmark Wisell.
Veronica asks: Can those who live in nursing homes also go visit their family and friends in their homes?
– There I mean how to set up routines in the nursing home. There is no national ban on this. There are also a few weeks left until the ban is lifted, so you have to wait and see how you build routines to handle it in the best way.
Linda wonders: Do you know what will happen to Swedish ski resorts next season? Will they stay open?
– There is nothing we have decided yet.
Mia asks: Can you drive to Torrevieja on October 2? What about the trip there and home? Do you have to be quarantined when we get home?
– In Sweden, we do not have quarantine rules for visits within the EU. But you should be aware that there is a general spread of the infection in Spain and if you have had many contacts with different people, there is a higher risk of getting infected.
Tina asks: We have had more than 87,000 infected in Sweden, but how many are active at the moment?
– We see that approximately 230 individuals are infected per day today. Then you will be sick for a week or two.
Elin wonders: Is it true that Sweden reports deaths with those who have a confirmed covid-19 and die within 30 days, even if they actually die from something else? Is that one reason that contributes to our high death toll?
– Yes, this is how reporting is done in Sweden. So it looks very different, in some countries you should be dead just from covid-19. It is important to look at what numbers you are comparing, otherwise it will be apples and pears.
Johanna asks: The compensation for us in the risk group for covid-19 only applies until September 30. Are there plans to extend this?
– There is nothing in which we are involved from the Public Health Agency.
Jan-Erik wonders: Do you know how long the virus survives in air, indoors and outdoors, and on hard and soft materials?
– In general, it can be said that the drier the air, the shorter the virus survives. But, on the other hand, it extends further. The opposite is that the more humid the air, the longer the virus survives in the air, but it does not spread over great distances.