Donald Trump and Joe Biden are not the only candidates in the US presidential election. Behind them is a long list of optimists. None of them have sufficient support to participate in the television debates and only one of them, the libertarian Jo Jorgensen, is represented on the ballot papers of the entire country.
Below are some candidates that may appear on the ballot papers and some that attract a lot of attention.
Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian Party
It puts the freedom of the individual first, with minimal state intervention, low taxes, and a foreign policy where the United States has a low profile in the outside world. He advocates for free abortion, same-sex marriage, and legalization of marijuana. In the last election, the party’s candidate, Gary Johnson, got just over three percent of the vote.
Howie Hawkins, Green Party
He pursues a left-wing environmental policy and is included in a large part of the country’s voting ballots, with the support of various left-wing groups. In 2016, the party’s candidate, Jill Stein, went to the polls with an offer of a “Green New Deal,” an ecological allusion to Dwight D. Eisenhower’s major reform package in the Depression of the 1930s. Stein received just over one percent of the vote.
Gloria La Riva, Party of Socialism and Freedom
The Communist Party will appear on the ballot in at least a dozen states. The candidate La Riva has participated in a long list of elections without coming close to the party’s goal of a socialist revolution. The slogan of his campaign is that capitalism must perish for the earth to survive.
Kanye West, Independent / Birthday Party
The global rap star’s political proposition has drawn attention from and into the last few years. In this election, he finally got on the ballot in various states and spent a lot of money on an election campaign. The electoral platform is accompanied by biblical quotes and a biblical speaker is its intended vice president. In the last elections, he expressed his support for Donald Trump, who later received him at the White House during a large media rally.
Rocky De La Fuente, Allianspartiet
He tried to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination, but received almost no support. Instead, he is on the ballot papers in at least 15 states as a candidate for the Alliance Party and the Reform Party, but also the far-right AIP party. In California, the party has nominated him as its candidate without question, with Kanye West as the vice presidential candidate. The party, known for its racial segregation policy in the 1960s, says it has changed direction and now wants to alienate minority groups from Democrats.
Don Blankenship, Constitutional Party
Former scandal-ravaged CEO of one of the largest coal mining companies in the United States, representing a party that advocates a radical, right-wing interpretation of the constitution. He denies climate change and was sentenced a few years ago to a year in prison for neglecting safety measures in an explosion accident at one of the company’s mines, in which 29 people died. Much of his political work has been both challenging the verdict and fighting for environmentally friendly policies in general.