Jack Sock receives criticism after his wedding photo


Jack Sock was hailed early in his career as a great talent and it was predicted that he would become the next great American tennis star. A few years ago, Sock achieved great success, especially in doubles, where he has Olympic gold and two Wimbledon titles, among other things.

But since he was forced to undergo hand surgery in early 2019, Sock has not returned to his old level and is ranked 253rd today.

However, Sock has every reason to end 2020 with a smile. This weekend he married the beloved Laura Little, on an island outside of American Charleston.

Possibly a storm of criticism could add a pinch of gravel to the Sock-Little couple’s newlywed cheer machine.

From the photos of the wedding, it is not very clear if it took place during the crown time. Guests certainly do sit outside, but without distance or mouth guards.

Jack Sock receives criticism for his wedding

New York Times tennis reporter Ben Rothenberg shared a photo Sock posted on Instagram, pointing out gaps in safety from infections.

“While authorities around the world must decide whether tennis players can act responsibly during the pandemic, I can’t believe photos of an ATP player from a non-distancing wedding will help them. Congratulations, but God. mine, ”Rothenberg writes on Twitter.

After Rothenberg’s tweet, more people have criticized Sock for not taking responsibility in the pandemic, according to news.com.au.

The first winter Grand Slam, the Australian Open, was postponed until February 8 after a second wave hit the Victoria area, where the host city of Melbourne is located.

