Ivo begins the supervision of how patients are prioritized at Karolinska University Hospital


After several anonymous tips to the Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo) on how to set priorities for those receiving intensive care at Karolinska University Hospital, the authority decided to start supervision of the hospital.

According to one of the tips SVT took into account, it is about prioritizing patients who may need respiratory care for a long time, since another patient with a better prognosis may need the site in a few days.

– Some tips are about prioritizing kidney disease over intensive care. Based on these indications, we chose to start supervision at Karolinska University Hospital. Now we will review the business, Linda Almqvist, Ivo’s legal director, tells SVT.

According to SVT does not apply only Karolinska councils, but also other hospitals in the region, where different priorities are made when it comes to which patients should receive intensive care. As a result of the reports, Ivo called the region’s chief physician to a meeting last week to discuss priorities in a situation where there are still vacant intensive care locations in the region. A follow-up meeting was held on Friday.

– Then we obtained information about the supervision of kidney patients and then we told Ivo how we handle the information we receive. So we described to Ivo how we work and how we allocate intensive care resources, says Johan Bratt, chief physician in the Stockholm region, to DN.

Chief Medical Officer Johan Bratt of the Stockholm Region says there is no shortage of resources in the region today.

Chief Medical Officer Johan Bratt of the Stockholm Region says there is no shortage of resources in the region today.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren

Johan Bratt says that today there is no lack of resources and that there are many intensive care places.

– What applies then is the normal priority. That is, anyone who needs intensive care must receive it according to the usual criteria we use.

How do you see that patients have been given priority?

– I can’t understand those cases in detail. But of course it is not good and it is good that Ivo takes the initiative to supervise.

DN has previously spoken about the priority lists that have been developed at Karolinska University Hospital to assess which patients should receive intensive care.

– We have the support for decision-making from the National Board of Health and Welfare on the priorities that are relevant in case of lack of resources. And we are not there now, says Johan Bratt.

Johan Bratt thinks that man will continue to report on priorities in the region.

– We do this by having close contact with the main IVA contact network and our main doctors. We constantly clarify what applies and we have made it clear on several occasions that what applies is normal prioritization.

What is the current situation in the intensive care unit today?

– There has been a phenomenal increase in intensive care resources from 90 to 335 in a short time. And it is thanks to a fantastic effort by the staff that has been made, says Johan Bratt.

Filippa Nyberg, Karolinska’s chief physician, writes in an email to DN that the hospital has not received any information about Ivo’s supervision, but that they are welcome in the state of medical care.

It is the medical priorities and, above all, the patient’s individual prognosis for surviving intensive care that determines treatment decisions in this extraordinary condition for intensive care. “

The Care and Care Inspectorate was also tasked with the government conducting 1,000 oversight efforts in elder care in all counties with confirmed cases of covid-19. Among other things, it is about examining the importance of basic hygiene routines that are important in preventing the spread of infection.

Ivo General Director Sofía Wallström.

Ivo General Director Sofía Wallström.

Photo: Jessica Gow / TT

Efforts will be made digitally or by phone in the coming weeks.

“We are not looking for failures and we know it is a current crisis, but we want our work to help improve work where it is needed,” Ivos CEO Sofia Wallström said at the authorities’ press conference on Friday.

In the last month, Ivo received about 200 indications of risk in the care of elderly people related to covid-19. In most cases, it’s about poor hygiene.
